Sunday, March 23, 2008


Saturday, March 15, 2008


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Girls Aloud vs. Sugababes - Round Two

Theyve already ad a massive fight wen they released Walk This Way togetha. At da video shoot, it waz all filthy looks and sukin teeth. They tryed knockin each utha out with tha hangin mic on da catwalk sceeenes, and tryed outdoin each utha in the diva steaks with there mega extravagent ryders. Quicha won, she arxed 4 gerbil's milk on her cornflakes and a ommlet made of babies.

But dis tyme there serious. Girls Aloud and Sugarbabes r releasin singles on da same day! OMG! March 17th. It iz set 2 B da biggist chart battul of da millionium! Its Can't Speak French vs. Denial (witch is well rubbish IMHO). Fing iz, da songs av bofe strtd chartin dis week so da battul starts ere! GAMAF will keep u informed on how da fight iz goin. So dont go nowear!

Ding Ding, LOL

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Girls Aloud Get Shown The Back Door

Girls Aloud rockd da Sketch nightclub last night in yet mor purple dressies.

Theres loads more photoes to be found here.

Thanks to GirlsAloudMedia wonderwoman, Hayley.

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What Did The Neighbours Say?: Episode Two

PopNovella av posted da new edishun of the Girls Aloud story. Its a bit far fetched, I dunno if itz tru or not. But its well worth readin.

Read it here.

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News Bits

This is the single cover for Call The Shots, obviously. No, you're not having deja vu, it is just very similar to the Style DVD cover. What is coming for the CD2? Girls Aloud holding the recievers at the end of those pesky wires that they're trapped in? I hope so.

Here's the full version of the new Style trailer that my stupid friend Keef tried to post the other day:

I don't exactly need no style advice from the girls. I'm perfect already. But for all you daggy freaks out there, this DVD is a must!

Also in this little news clip, the girls defend poor psycho, Britney:

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Tangled Up cover

This is the new album cover. Except it's not. This is, apparently:

Come on girls, what are you playing at? The Girls Aloud-less new album cover is something to do with appealing to an older audience or some bollocks. I think it's vile! Oh well. There is a special edition being released with alternative packaging (probably a slipcase), available exclusively from a certain shop (probably HMV), so there is still hope!

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